
Lost in the blog

Perhaps a metaphor might help?


Is This Your Leopard?

“Excuse me?”


“Is this your leopard?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Is this your leopard?”


“This one, the one that is eating my face.”

“Oh! That might be my leopard. I mean, how would I know?”

“It is eating my face.”

“If you say so.”

“Will you help? I took some video, to be sure. Would you care to see it?”

“If it will shed light on this situation, then, yes, please.”

“Here you can see the leopard eating my face.”

“Yes, I see the leopard eating your face.”

“Is this your leopard?”

“May I see the video again?”


“Is there any more video?”

“What do you mean?”

“Because I think that is my leopard and I don’t understand why it would eat your face. I did not raise my leopard to eat faces.”

“Well, it is eating my face.”

“But what did you do to the leopard, why is it eating your face?”

“I thought you might know and, perhaps, get your leopard to stop eating my face.”

“I see… Well, it has never eaten my face.”

“But it is eating my face.”

“Did you disrespect the leopard?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“What did you do to my leopard? I love my leopard, my leopard loves me, it has only known my love, and my leopard does not eat faces.”

“But your leopard is eating my face.”

“That’s not possible, not without cause. What were you doing before the leopard started eating your face?”



“Yes, walking. I was walking to the store.”

“To the store?”


“To rob the store?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Were you robbing the store?”

“No, I was not robbing the store. I was walking to the store.”

“You weren’t running from a robbery?”

“There was no robbery.”

“Was there a gun or a knife?”

“Why would there be a gun or a knife?”

“The leopard is eating your face. I can only assume you threatened the leopard.”

“I did not threaten the leopard. Can you please make it stop eating my face?”

“I love leopards.”

“I know.”

“That leopard is part of my heritage.”

“I understand that, but it is eating my face.”

“My leopard is part of my history.”

“I think your leopard may have eaten my parents faces too.”

“That’s just your opinion. What are the facts? My leopard has never eaten faces.”



“Your leopard is eating my face right now.”

“That is an exception.”

“I do not want your leopard to eat my children’s faces.”

“Your children should not provoke the leopard.”

“I was not provoking the leopard.”

“Then why is it eating your face?”

“I do not wish to speculate, but you raised this leopard, you love this leopard, this leopard is part of your heritage. And it is eating my face.”

“What can I do?”

“This is your leopard?”


“You love this leopard?”


“This leopard is part of your heritage?”


“Then why won’t you at least try to make this leopard stop eating my face?”

“I’m not responsible for this particular leopard, this is the first time I’ve seen this behavior. Yours is only one face, it is simply an error, the leopard will correct itself, its history is good and I am a good person.”

“Are you saying this is not your leopard?”

“I misspoke earlier, I raised a leopard that came before this one. They look and behave remarkably alike. They do not eat faces.”

“And you loved that leopard?’

“Yes, and I love this leopard too.”


“Because it too is part of my heritage of raising leopards to be free and just.”

“Well, I fear it is too late, your leopard has eaten my face and I am dead.”

“I am sorry.”

“I am still dead.”

“Excuse me, might I have your assistance?”

“I can no longer help you, I am dead.”

“The leopard is now eating my face.”

“I am sorry. And dead.”

“I do not understand why this leopard would eat my face…”