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Boskone 57


Join me at Boskone (February 14-16, 2020) in Boston, MA for an exciting science fiction and fantasy convention. It's going to be a fun weekend filled with discussions of books, science, art, games, music, and more. Visit the Boskone website. Who knows? I might even bring coffee to my first ever kaffeeklatsch. Or prizes. Or something...

My schedule

Kaffeeklatsch: Errick Nunnally

Format: Kaffeeklatsch
14 Feb 2020, Friday 18:00 - 18:50, Galleria - Kaffeeklatsch 1 (Westin)
Errick Nunnally

Blood-Curdling Science Fiction

Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 11:00 - 11:50, Marina 2 (Westin)
Where does the thin (red) line between science fiction and horror lie? Why does science fiction horror fascinate us so much? What is it about horror in SF that is so absolutely terrifying? What examples do we have of science fiction that will make your blood run cold? And is it getting harder to make SF fiction that is truly scary?
Errick Nunnally (M), Juliana Spink Mills, Julie C. Day, Nicholas Kaufmann, Darrell Schweitzer

Brave New Wordsmiths

Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 13:00 - 13:50, Marina 4 (Westin)
Let’s talk about the best new writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror that have emerged in the past decade. What fresh perspectives do they bring to the table? What are their most provocative ideas? What makes their styles stand out? What are their best works?
Errick Nunnally, John Chu, Theodora Goss (M), Suzanne Palmer, Rajnar Vajra

Boskone 57 Book Party

Format: Event
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 18:30 - 19:30, Galleria - Stage (Westin)
Come join the fun at Boskone 57’s Book Party. You’ll meet the authors and publishers who have new books coming out at the con! This is your chance to see what’s new from writers you already love, as well as those you have yet to discover.
Sara Codair (https://saracodair.com/), Dave Seeley (daveseeley.com), Mike Squatrito Jr (Association of Rhode Island Authors), Jeff Hecht, Clea Simon, Nicole Givens Kurtz (Mocha Memoirs Press), R.W.W. Greene, Steven Popkes, Gregory Wilson, Errick Nunnally, James Patrick Kelly (writer), Kim Stanley Robinson, Christopher Paniccia (Gridiron Publishing), E. C. Ambrose, Jeffrey A. Carver, Erin Underwood (M), Rick Berry (RickBerryStudio), Patricia Morgan Lang (NESFA Press), Jim Burns

Noir at the Bar Reading — Boskone Edition

Format: Event
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 21:00 - 22:30, Galleria - Stage (Westin)
Noir at the Bar comes back to Boskone for a special reading and fun with our noir, crime, mystery, and horror writers. Hosted by Chris Irvin and Errick Nunnally.
Christopher Irvin (M), Errick Nunnally (M), Zig Zag Claybourne (Obsidian Sky Books), Gerald L. Coleman, Vincent O'Neil, Cat Scully (The Deep End Games), Paul Tremblay, Diana Rowland

Reading: Errick Nunnaly

Format: Reading
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 12:00 - 12:25, Independence (Westin)
Errick Nunnally

Playing in the Post-Apocalypse World

Format: Panel
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 13:00 - 13:50, Marina 1 (Westin)
Why do so many SF writers enjoy playing in this subgenre? Are they simply reporting reasonable extrapolations, because we’re clearly doomed real soon due to climate, corporations, overcrowding, video games, superbugs, big meteorites, and/or reality TV? Is it just because story thrives on conflict, and post-apocalyptic landscapes offer so much scope for disagreements—with chainsaws? Our panelists take a look at some of the more interesting post-apocalyptic worlds as they discuss why they are so compelling and what makes them work.
Julie C. Day, Gene Doucette, Errick Nunnally, Clea Simon (M), Jim Infantino (Jim's Big Ego)

Errick NunnallyComment